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The new paradigm of clinical pathways

Ensuring quality

Improving workflows

Securing compliance

Research Partners




PROF. PATRICK MEYBOHMMedical Director of University Hospital Würzburg

In our clinical study in Frankfurt on the CDS tool ‘Perioperative Anticoagulation’ we are observing that currently about one-third of our patient cases are insufficiently documented, one-third is inadequately managed, and only one third is treated according to guidelines

DR. VICTORIA JOHNSONSpokesperson DGK Youth Cardiologists University Hospital Giessen

Instead of spending a lot of time reading guidelines, CDS tools can be used to make diagnostic or therapeutic decisions with Just a few clicks.

PROF. ALEXANDER GHANEMMedical Director Internal Medicine Asklepios Klinik Hamburg Nord

The tool on Aortic Stenosis facilitates daily routine by standardizing procedures along valid algorithms. The decision of the heart team about what is planned and what is not planned is also documented.

PROF. SEBASTIAN SCHNEEWEISSProfessor of Medicine & Epidemiology at Harvard Medical School Chief Division of Pharmacoeconomics at Brigham and Women’s Hospital

The beauty of the system is, there is no arguing about the content. Guidelines are based on good data and done by experts.


Frequently asked questions

Can I work with Medimir straight away or do I need prior training?

The use of the CDS tools is self-explanatory. However, a user manual is available within the app.

Which clinical areas and which medical indications are yet covered within Medimir?

Our current focus is on young physicians in hospital care who seek quick advice on acute primary care questions, e.g. tachycardias, infections or electrolyte imbalances. But we are constantly updating the tool portfolio.

Can I work with Medimir straight away or do I need prior training?

Yes, of course. Medimir is meant as decision support only, facilitating the identification of best practice. The treatment decisions, however, are exclusively made by doctors.

What are the treatment recommendations based on?

All recommendations are based on international clinical guidelines. As guideline statements are all fully referenced, there are no black-box issues.

Why is there such a focus on anesthesiology?

Because we are involved in scientific research projects and with geat partners to fundamentally improve perioperative care.

Can we users influence which tools are developed next?

Yes, please let us know what bothers you!

Does Medimir fulfill the EU MDR requirements for medical devices?

Yes, the Medimir CDS system is a fully “CE-certified” medical software device. Our Notified Nody is TÜV Süd GmbH, Munich, Germany.

The new paradigm of clinical pathways